Reading Time: 4 minutes

“What is Enough?” is a question that I have been asking myself a lot lately. 

Let’s start with the definition of enough.  According to the Marriam-Webster dictionary, enough means “occurring in such quantity, quality, or scope as to fully meet demands, needs, or expectations” or the amount that “satisfies or that is sufficient or necessary for satisfaction.”

I truly believe all of us would be much better off if we took the time to think about what is enough for ourselves.  Yes, the answer is different for each of us, but knowing what enough is, can then free up time, energy and space for yourself and others.

How much do you need?  What will satisfy you? 

These questions apply to every aspect of your life. 

What is enough food?  Why do we over eat?  Why don’t we stop when we have eaten enough? 

What is enough self-care?  People don’t need to meditate or exercise all day, every day.

What is enough sleep for you?  Once again, this differs for each of us but do you even know what enough sleep is?  Do you know what it feels like to get enough sleep and feel well rested?  There are times in our lives that sleep is not possible but not getting enough sleep is not healthy or sustainable over the long term.

A HUGE question for everyone, is, “what is enough money?”  With what amount of money would you be satisfied?  What is your “number?”

I have a friend who has plenty of money.  They don’t need to work but continue to work because they enjoy it.  They are at a whole different level than most of us both income and asset-wise.  They are an example of how having money makes it easier to make more money.  I think part of the reason is because they do not NEED it.  They have the ability to say no to things that don’t make sense for them or don’t give them what they think their time is worth.  They give a lot to charity.  They are very generous and happy to give and help others. 

How much of this abundant inflow of money is because they don’t have a desperate need for more?  They know they have enough for what they need to live life to the fullest and yet their financial wealth continues to grow.

Money makes more money if you save and invest some money each month

The power of compounding interest makes this true but I also think that energetically when you know that you have “enough,” money it is much easier to save and share and give to others.  The more you have, the more it will grow with investing.  The more you have, the more you can give away, if you know what your “enough” is.

We just need enough. 

We need enough self-love and self-care so that we then have the energy and attention to give to those around us.  If you invest in yourself (financially, spiritually, emotionally, physically) enough then you can do more good that will ripple out and grow exponentially and help you live a happier more satisfied life. 

I believe the first and often overlooked step is to figure out and know, “what is enough for me?”  What do you need for yourself?  More is NOT always better.  How much space do you need in your house?  How many toys are enough for your children?  How many activities are enough in your calendar?  Some of us need more or less than others, and that is OK.  We all are different.

We all need a certain amount of money to be satisfied but I believe there is an amount that is “enough” and then when you have that amount, the abundance from saving and sharing seems to flow and grow much more quickly and easily. 

If you know what you want and are satisfied, it then frees up more for others.  The contradiction is that when we stop needing more, more is often still created. 

Once you know what enough is, it is much easier to say no and not waste your time, money and energy on things that you don’t need and don’t give you joy.  Having TOO much is not just a waste, it can actually decrease your enjoyment and create overwhelm so that you no longer feel satisfied. 

I think we all know that feeling after you eat too much and then regret it because you have a stomach ache and are too full.  Having too much stuff and clutter in your home can prevent you from seeing and enjoying what you do love. 

I want less in my life right now so I can have more time for fun and relaxing and the joy of being with, and doing the things that I love.  The trick is knowing and feeling comfortable with your “enough.”

My challenge for you this week is to think about, “what is enough?”  And then take some actions to get rid of those things that you don’t need and stop spending time and money on things that are not satisfying you or are distracting you from what you DO love. 

If you would like some help on figuring out “what is enough” for you and how to use this information to live a life more aligned with what you want, please give me a call.

P.S. I found this quote AFTER I had written the article. 🙂