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The start of a new school year has always felt like a bigger deal to me than January 1.  My boys start school after Labor Day.  (Yes, I know that many people have already been in school for a month, but in my world, our new beginning is just happening now.) 

A new school year brings a fresh start – new teachers, new subjects, new sports seasons, new activities, new routines, etc. 

I LOVE the concept of a clean slate and a fresh start.  I am not “behind.” All my past mistakes and mess-ups are gone (except hopefully the lessons from them) and I get to start a new chapter of my life.

Anything is possible. 

At any new beginning, it is a good idea to think about what you want.  What do you REALLY want?

What do you want to accomplish?  What is important to you?  How do you want things to be better or different than the past?  Think about what you want to prioritize and what you can let go of.  What actions will help with these goals?  If you know your Tendency, what can help you better meet these expectations?

What could go wrong? 

Think about and try to plan ahead for when your motivation and enthusiasm dwindles.  Prepare for obstacles and have contingency plans in place to help you with these things.

Even if your school year has already begun, you can still decide WHEN you want to have a new beginning.  It can be the first day of Fall, the first day of September, your birthday, your anniversary.  YOU get to decide.  Although for me it is always easier to take advantage of life or schedule changes (such as a move or a new job) and use that to help with making other desired changes or starting new habits in my life.

Take the time to write down what you want for this new chapter in your life and how you plan to accomplish it.  If you need external help or support, go get it.

I would love to hear what you want for this new school year or whatever new beginning you decide on, and how you plan to incorporate it in your life and make it happen.  Please let me know if I can help in any way.

P.S. I recommend not taking on too much and focusing on only a few things.  Ideally, only one thing at a time.

Despite my own advice, I have a whole list of things I want to accomplish this new school year. 

I want to have a schedule where I consistently do my self-care triad of:  morning workouts, journaling and meditation.  I hope to get more sleep, clean and organize my house, finish a writing course I started this summer, and work on my business while also finding time to play and read more. 

Uh-oh.  I guess I need to take my own advice and prioritize what I want to focus on.  The hard part is that I am excited about and want to do all of these things. 

I decided I am going to start with focusing on my self-care morning triad and see what comes out of doing that.  I will let you know how it goes. 🙂