Some random (fun) information about me…

I am all about love, joy and connection. I used to be a pessimist and struggled with depression.

Now I know what I want to do! I am on a mission to help others make changes and LOVE their life.

Tara FamilyI truly believe anything is possible.

I believe that people and relationships are what are most important in this life.

I want to make a difference. I want my family to be my highest priority AND I want to have a successful business helping others to transform their lives to what they really want.

I don’t want money to be the obstacle that is holding you back. Money is often the hurdle and taking care of money can open up so much freedom, meaning and purpose in your life.

I believe we are all here for a reason. We are all good enough and deserve love and support. If we do the work and stop holding ourselves back, we can accomplish anything. The money is the easy part. Taking care of the money will make a HUGE difference in every area of your life. I want each of us to enjoy our lives and help make a positive impact on others. I truly believe it is possible.

Random facts:

I have never been to Disney world
I love to take pictures of trees
I had never lived in one place longer than 4 years until I turned 41.
I love to read non-fiction self-help books.
I still sleep with my teddy bear.
My husband and I were good friends in high school but never dated till later in life and got married when we were 39 years old.

My top 5 character strengths according to VIA Character Strengths are:
1. Honesty
2. Judgement
3. Gratitude
4. Love of Learning
5. Love

These are my strengths and describe me well…