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For those of you who know me, or have been receiving these emails from me, you know that I create a Theme or choose a word each year. I have written about this a lot. Tina and I talk about creating a theme on our latest episode of Messy Middlescence.

Here is a good summary post where I talk about how to create a theme and more of the details for my previous themes.

Here are my themes for the past few years.
2018 – Less is More
2019 – Choose Joy
2020 – The Year of Listening
2021 – Creating
2022 – Notice and Create Joy (when(ever) possible) (In hindsight, this theme was too long and complicated, yet I love what I wanted for it and what I wrote about it.)
2023 – Connecting

And for 2024…
I am currently thinking that my theme for 2024 is “”

(I allow myself to change my theme if it doesn’t feel right or something else feels better later.)

The theme of comes from and is to help me focus on

Who do I want to BE?

I want to live my life so that the answer to that question is clear. I want to be kind, be loving, be myself, be present.

How do I want to feel?

That is an important part of my being. I want to feel at peace and grounded and emanating love for myself and others. I want this theme to remind me of “being” who I am and living my highest values. I want to slow down (a common repetition in my annual themes) and BE me. It is a reminder to BE more and DO less. We are human beings, not human doings.

I feel like I am having a hard time explaining this year’s theme. I just looked up the word (see picture above) and I like both definitions, the noun and the verb, and their synonyms. I like that there is a lot of depth and different parts to this one word. I hope that this one-word, BE.ING will be a good guiding light and reminder for me in 2024 in how I want to live and who I want to BE.

As always, I would love to hear what themes or words that you come up with or decide on, for 2024. Please share!

Hoping 2024 is a great year for you.