Reading Time: 3 minutes

I just finished reading the book, Grit by Angela Duckworth. I loved the book and highly recommend it. I read this book because I want my children to be “gritty”. I want them to be resilient and deal with challenges. I want them to keep trying and going after the things that they want.

For me, this book was a huge wakeup call and motivator to put myself out there and rededicate myself to writing, life coaching and helping others. I love what I do and am happier in my life than I thought possible and want to help others feel the same. So here is the first of many articles to come…

I truly believe all of us are here for a reason.

For the longest time, I struggled with what I wanted to be when I “grew up”. I started as a Chemical Engineer because I was good with numbers and science but engineering was not right for me. I thought if I pursued my PhD I could teach at a small college. Unfortunately, I hated research so that wasn’t a good fit for me either. I completed my MBA and went to work as a consultant at Andersen Consulting / Accenture. Although I loved the people I worked with and learned a lot, I knew that job was not what I wanted to do either.

My a-ha moment came when I read Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. After reading that book I realized I wanted to help people live a life that they loved. A life that felt meaningful and filled with joy. How could I do that?

To move towards that goal, I enrolled in life coaching school shortly after my divorce. While in life coaching school, I was offered an opportunity in Financial Planning / “Life Planning”. This sounded like a good match. I could use my financial analysis and problem solving skills to help people live a life they love. I believe that an excellent financial planner is also a great life coach as they help you find true fulfillment in life.

I believe my reason for being here is to help people create a fulfilling life.

I am passionate about helping people make positive changes in their lives so that they can “BE” who they are, who they are meant to be, using their strengths and interests. We are here to enjoy this precious life we were given. This is NOT a life that just pays the bills. It is not one of going the path of least resistance. It is not necessarily “logical.” We all deserve to enjoy our lives. For that to happen, we need to know what is important to us. This will help you have a life of joy, fun, love, and meaning.

Amazingly, having a life you love is different for each of us in the forms it will take. What I am good at and enjoy is very different than what you are good at and enjoy. I also believe that there is not just ONE ideal / perfect life or path for us. There are countless ways to finding and creating your own happiness in life.

Questions to ask yourself

  • What would add to your happiness in life?
  • What are you tolerating and want to change?
  • What steps or one small step can you take to start working on that?

If you are curious about what life coaching is or would like to explore different ways that a life coach can help you live a more joyful, meaningful life, please give me a call.

It IS possible to have more happiness and have a life that is meaningful and fulfilling.

I offer 3 month life coaching packages to help you achieve a goal or make positive changes in your life. Life coaching helps you find and create your own unique fun and meaningful life. What would a happier life mean for you?