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Do you have something you REALLY want but:

A) Don’t think it is possible
B) Have tried for it and failed before
C) Are afraid to admit that you even want it
D) None of the above – You don’t know exactly what you want but know you want things in your life to be different than they are now.

If you answered A, B, C, or D, then a life coach is for you. A life coach can help you achieve that goal. Think about what it would mean to accomplish this goal and get what you want. A life coach will help you get to the WHY you want something and leverage that WHY into action and moving towards it.

Unless you have worked with a life coach, most people don’t know what a life coach does, how they work or how they could help you. This is where a free trial session or two with a life coach is helpful. One session will not solve all your problems or give you the full experience but hopefully it will give you a taste and better idea of how life coaching works.

Coaching is something you need to experience to believe.

I want everyone to feel the value of coaching and have a better idea of what it is and what it can do for you. I want everyone to experience life coaching.

Even though life coaching is hard to describe, I will now try to explain in words what life coaching is…

Life coaching is a beneficial relationship between a “coach” (I do not love this term) and a client designed to help the client reach their higher / highest potential and achieve a specific goal. A coach helps take you from where you are to where you want to be.

A life coach provides loving support, accountability, structure, objective perspective, honest feedback and insight. A good coach, often hears what is NOT said and does a good job of calling you out on your “stuff” and reading between the lines. A true life coach does not give advice.

Life coaching is different than therapy. Therapy works on issues or unresolved traumas from the past. A life coach may refer you to a psychologist or psychotherapist if that is what you need. Life coaching is focused on the present and future, not on the past and resolving past issues and emotional wounds.

Life coaching is results oriented. It is much more than defining a goal that is SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound). Yes, you break down the goal into manageable, smaller chunks. Yes, you have homework and assignments to complete between sessions that your coach holds you accountable to. You track your progress and learn along the way. Yet life coaching is so much more than that. The sum of the parts and the inner work with a life coach provides much more than just the achievement of a goal.

You hire a life coach because you want more from your life. Most life coaching clients are healthy, successful people who want to grow, learn and improve. AND they want these things more quickly than doing it on their own.

If you have any questions about life coaching or want to experience a free session, please contact me. We all deserve to have a life we love!

I challenge you to schedule a free coaching session to give it a try.