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About two years ago I started learning about “Growth Mindset”. It was not something I had heard of before then. Now it is something I want everyone to know about, especially if you are a parent. I feel like it is in the news a decent amount today and was surprised at how many people in my recent coaching class had not heard about it. This concept has definitely changed how I think about almost everything and how I am choosing to live my life. I am taking more risks and trying more things I am not “good” at.

I used to be very afraid and would not try new things because I did not want to “fail” and look like a fool. I did not want to be “bad” at something. If it was too hard, I did not want to do it. This is an indication of a “Fixed” Mindset.

I highly recommend and want everyone to read Carol S. Dweck’s book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. This book rocked my world. It is one of the reasons I am writing these weekly articles. I want to become a better writer. I believe that only by doing it, and putting in the effort will I get better. I realize I may not be the most “naturally talented” writer but the only way I can get better is by working at it, so I am.

Intelligence is a highly regarded trait in our society. Most of us comment on if we think someone is “smart”. And the expectation or belief is that you are born with a certain IQ or intelligence. This is praised and desired by most of us. This is also an indication of a fixed mindset. Do you believe you can substantially change how intelligent you are? If you answer no, then you have a fixed mindset about intelligence. You CAN become more intelligent. Research studies prove this. Anything is possible with effort and persistence.


“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”

– Albert Einstein


Some people have more natural talent in certain areas than others – musical, artistic, athletic, intelligence, etc. And people often comment on that and put them up on a pedestal for it. But what I love about Mindset and this is also discussed in the book Grit by Angela Duckworth, is that natural talent is not nearly as important as effort, as putting the time, practice and discipline to work so you get better at something. Someone who continues to work at something will eventually surpass the person who has the natural talent but is not making the effort, because talent counts but effort counts twice.

Here are the equations Duckworth gave in her book:



So talent doesn’t equal achievement. Skill doesn’t equal achievement. You need to add effort!

Here are some characteristics of Fixed and Growth Mindsets:


  • You either have talent, intelligence or natural abilities or you don’t
  • Concerned about being judged
  • All about performance and grades
  • You believe your value and worth comes from your performance
  • Afraid and less likely to try something new
  • Very sensitive about being wrong or doing poorly
  • Labels are important
  • Black and white thinking

Growth Mindset

  • You can grow your intelligence or any ability
  • Believe everyone can change (anything)
  • True potential is unknown
  • Much more about learning and growing
  • Loves challenges
  • Failures are learning opportunities
  • Effort is important
  • You don’t give up

You may have a fixed mindset in certain areas of your life and a growth mindset in other areas. This is normal. These are very much related to your beliefs. Notice where you have a fixed or growth mindset. Where do you believe you can change and where do you see things as unchangeable?

What would you try if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Try it! Don’t worry about judgement or what people think of you. There is no failure, only learning and growing and enjoying the journey.

Here are a few resources for you to read and learn more about Growth Mindset:
(an article about Growth Mindset if you don’t want to read the whole book). (a blog and website for parents that I love. It is all about growth mindset and teaching this concept to your children).

There is still a lot of other lessons and things I would like to share on Mindset but that is it for now. Today, I wanted to introduce this important and powerful concept and get you thinking about how you CAN grow, change and learn and have you realize that your true potential is unknown.

I would love to hear about YOUR thoughts and lessons on this topic.

All my best,
