Reading Time: 2 minutes

As a continuation of last week’s article, today I would like for you to examine and question how you think of money and what your money beliefs are.

Money is neither good nor bad. Rather it is our beliefs that lead us to view money as good or bad.

Becoming familiar with and questioning your beliefs around money is the first step to having a healthy relationship with money.

Our money beliefs influence our behaviors and financial habits, which then lead to the financial results we see in our everyday lives.

Some common money beliefs are:

  • Money is the root of all evil.
  • Money doesn’t grow on trees.
  • Money is hard to earn.
  • It takes money to make money.
  • A penny saved is a penny earned.
  • You have to work hard to make money.
  • Money is for other people.
  • A fool and his money are soon parted.

Each of these beliefs can be analyzed and viewed with a positive or negative viewpoint. Most often beliefs, when taken to an extreme, are not beneficial.

What are some common money sayings that you use or believe? What comes into your head when you say:

“Money is…”

Or “Money is NOT…”

What are the positive or negative aspects of these beliefs that you hold? I challenge you to choose a new empowering belief that will help you view money in a positive way. What are the behaviors and results that you would expect to see in someone that has this empowering belief?

Some examples of empowering beliefs are:

  • Earning lots of money is easy and fun.
  • I have what it takes to be smart with my money.
  • Money comes easily to me and I use it wisely.
  • I am good enough to have what I want.

Can you come up with any negative results of having this new belief and taking it to an extreme? For example, if you have to work hard to make money, this may appear positive on the surface but actually could lead to someone working all the time and believing this is required to have money and be successful. This is not always the case. There are people who work part time and make more than a million dollars a year.

Make a decision to have more money in your life.

What is your reaction to that statement? What actions can you take to have more money in your life? Do you want more money in your life? What holds you back from having or believing you can have more money in your life? This can be tough because our beliefs are so much a part of us that we often do not know how to name them but it is worth the effort.

I truly believe we are meant to enjoy our life and help others. Money can be used for so much good and to make a positive impact on the world. It can mean financial independence and freedom to live the life we want.

I would love to hear what money beliefs you have and the new empowering beliefs you came up with.

Have a wonderful week!