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Legacy generally means things you give or bequeath to others upon your death. It often has a connotation of wealth.

I prefer to think of legacy more as how or who you will be remembered as, once you are gone.  What will people say about you at your funeral?  What will people remember about you decades years after you have died?

The first step is to get clear on what you want your legacy to be and what is most important to you. 

I found these three questions helpful in figuring out what you want your legacy to be:

1) Twenty-five years after my death, what, if anything, will those beyond my family remember me for?  I also think it is good to ask, “What will my family remember me for?”

2) If I had to give everything I own to a cause (not a person), what cause would that cause be?

3) If I could snap my fingers and acquire an experience or talent, it would be ___________ because ___________ .

I like these questions because they highlight different aspects of your legacy.

1) Character – how you are remembered as a person, your values, how you lived and helped others feel.

2) Contribution – what causes or groups of people you are passionate about and want to help empower or build positive change for?  You can contribute with your time, resources, or money. 

3) Achievement – sharing your gifts, talents and strengths with others.
Also think about your “Why” around these answers.

I have said it many times, but I truly believe we all are here for a reason.  We all have a purpose.  What gives your life meaning?  It is ok if you don’t know the answer to that (it sounds like such a big important question).  Start with where you are and follow your instinct, follow your curiosity, follow what your inner soul calls to you.  Do something that makes yourself feel good in the lasting way.

Please don’t think your legacy has to be something huge like giving away millions of dollars or starting a foundation to be of value.  A legacy can be as big or small as you want it to be.  It is more about the meaning and the accumulation of all the meaningful things that you do.  Small actions can have just as big and lasting an impact. 

You honestly don’t know what one comment, or act of kindness can mean to someone and the ripple effect it may have across time and people.  Some people focus their future legacy on their children and family – raising healthy, independent, kind, contributing members of society.  Some empower and help educate others.  Your legacy is related to your Ikigai which I mentioned in a previous article

I have been thinking about this and I want my legacy to be one of love and helping others finding and creating their own legacy of love, joy and fulfillment in their life.  That means having joy and love in my own life and being an example of that for others too. 

My next question is: “How can I start creating my legacy NOW?” 

What are you doing today to help you live into your legacy? 

Once you know what you want people to say at your funeral, it is easier to start living it.  Make the choices and take the actions to start creating that legacy today, because every person you touch and each action you take is already creating it.