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In church (a while ago) we heard the story of Jesus’s loaves and fishes miracle. This is the story where there was a large crowd gathered to hear Jesus speak and there was not enough food for everyone. The disciples gathered food from the crowd. It was not much, a few loaves of bread and fish to feed over five thousand people. As the story of Jesus’s miracle goes, they were able to successfully feed all five thousand people and there were baskets of food left over.

Somewhere along the line I heard the idea (I wish I could give the person credit) that the reason this miracle happened was not JUST because of Jesus’s power and ability to make the impossible happen. I like to believe that this miracle was possible because each person in attendance shared whatever they had with those around them. As some shared, more shared and suddenly they realized that they had more than enough food for everyone. No one had to worry about feeding everyone which was seemed impossible. Those that had some food or drink shared with those in their immediate vicinity and then everyone got as much as they wanted or needed.

For me, the message is that, we don’t need to feed or take care of EVERYONE. We only need to help those around us, those close to us. For me, the miracle was in the willingness of the crowd members to share what they had. The miracle was the spirit of generosity that enabled people to share what they had so that everyone WAS taken care of.

I truly believe that this is a good lesson for everyone. (Please note, that I am not saying miracles don’t happen or that Jesus didn’t perform miracles.) Each of us can create our own miracles and that God needs us to do our part in order for miracles to happen. We have to take action and participate in the miracles too. Sometimes our part is showing up, sometimes it is asking for what we want, and sometimes it is taking a small action. Miracles can take on so many different forms and sometimes we don’t see or acknowledge the miracles until after time has passed.

If each of us took care of our family and friends and opened up and shared what we had and only took or kept what we needed, maybe there would be enough. Listen to heart and do what is best for you. Share what you have and miracles will happen. Share your gifts and what you have been given wisely. Take care of yourself and those around you. Start there and let’s see what miracles happen.

Sending much love to you,

P.S. I was not sure if I should write about this random topic but it is something that I wanted to share. It feels a little scary because anything political or religious can bring up a lot of strong emotions for people.